domingo, 21 de agosto de 2016

File 9 C Born to sing

You are my number one

You're My #1
I've kissed the moon a million times
Danced with angels in the sky
I've seen snowfall in the summertime
Felt the healing of the powers above
I've seen the world from the highest mountain
Tasted love from the purest fountain
I've seen lips that spark desire
Felt the butterflies a hundred times
I've even seen miracles
I've felt the pain disappear
But still haven't seen anything
That amazes me quite like you do
You bring me up when I'm feeling down
You touch me deep you touch me right
You do the things I've never done
You make me wicked you make me wild
'Cause baby, you're my number one
I've sailed in a perfect dream
I've seen the sun make love to the sea
I've kissed the moon a million times
Danced with angels in the sky
I've even seen miracles
I've seen…

File 9 B Workbook

KRISTEN STEWARD - click and read -

You can watch a video!

File 9 B Vocabuary - Fear

I've been afraid of it for years

Common Phobias -  click and read!
Common Phobias


These words all describe feeling or showing fear.

Afraid [not before noun] feeling fear; worried that something bad might happen:
There's nothing to be afraid of. Aren't you afraid (that) you'll fall?
Frightened: feeling fear; worried that something bad might happen:
a frightened child
She was frightened that the glass would break.
Scared (rather informal) feeling fear; worried that something bad might happen:
The thieves got scared and ran away.

afraid, frightened or scared? 
Scared is more informal, more common in speech, and often describes small fears.Afraid cannot come before a noun. It can only take the preposition of, not about. If you are afraid/frightened/scared of somebody/something/doing something or afraid/frightened/scared to do something, you think you are in danger of being hurt or suffering in some way.
If you are frightened/scared about something/doing something, it is less a fear for your personal safety and more a worry that something unpleasant might happen.

Terrified: very frightened:
I was terrified (that) she wouldn't come.
She looked at him with wide, terrified eyes.
Alarmed: afraid that something dangerous or unpleasant might happen:
She was alarmed at the prospect of travelling alone.
Paranoid (rather informal) afraid or suspicious of other people and believing that they are trying to harm you, in a way that is not reasonable:
You're just being paranoid
.afraid/frightened/scared of spiders.
Frightened/scared/paranoid about
…afraid/frightened/scared/terrified that
…afraid/frightened/scared to open the door, etc.
Don't be afraid/frightened/scared/alarmed.

viernes, 5 de agosto de 2016

File 9 Vocabulary - Animals

Click on the word: Animals and enjoy the vocabulary
antantswinged male, anerqueen, workerantling
birdbirdscockhennestling, fledgling
dogdogsdogbitchpuppy, pup
fishfish, fishesmalefemalefry (plural noun)
foxfoxesdog, reynardvixencub
horsehorsesstallion, colt (young)mare, filly (young)foal
pigpigsboarsowsuckling, piglet
rabbitrabbitsbuckroebunny, bunny rabbit
tigertigerstigertigresscub, whelp

File 9 A What would you do?

Shout: to say something in a loud voice; to speak loudly/angrily to somebody
Stop shouting and listen!

Keep: to stay in a particular condition or position; to make somebody/something do this
+ adj. We huddled together to keep warm.
Still: not moving; calm and quiet
Keep still while I brush your hair.

Wave: to move your hand or arm from side to side in the air in order to attract attention, say hello, etc.
The people on the bus waved and we waved back.

Suck: to take liquid, air, etc. into your mouth by using the muscles of your lips
to suck the juice from an orange

Tie: to attach or hold two or more things together using string, rope, etc.; to fasten somebody/something with string, rope, etc.
I tie back my hair when I'm cooking.